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Lone Peak Hospital is slated to open in late 2007 / early 2008. HCA will be breaking ground Summer 2006 on this 60 bed community hospital that will boast new technology coupled with a modern setting. Lone Peak Hospital will feature a full compliment of service lines including Orthopaedic, Surgery, Women's Services, and other sub-specialties. This great facility will be in a growing community and will expand to meet community needs.
The community of Draper has caught on the wave of community development. Once just a small community at the South end of the Salt Lake valley, Draper City is now one of the most desirable areas to live in the state of Utah. Draper City offers the best of both worlds: a comfortable and easy pace of residential life combined with a sophisticated metropolitan atmosphere. Draper promotes a healthy quality of life with easy access to inner-city trail systems and nearby mountain areas offering access to wilderness and spectacular vistas. Draper has become an attractive location for families who share a focus on quality of life.