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Avera, the health ministry of the Benedictine and Presentation Sisters, a regional family of more than 315 healthcare facilities in 100 communities in the five-state region of SD, MN, IA, NE and ND. With over 20,500 employees, Avera Health serves over half a million individuals each year at facilities known for medical excellence, technological innovation, and a commitment to meeting the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of all patients.Our caregivers are supported by the resources and expertise of the region's largest health system. Management and other support services are provided through the Avera Central Office in Sioux Falls, S. D., and its five regional centers: Avera St. Luke's in Aberdeen, S.D.; Avera Queen of Peace in Mitchell, S.D.; Avera McKennan in Sioux Falls, S.D.; Avera Sacred Heart in Yankton, S.D.; and Avera Marshall in Marshall, Minn.
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