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Inpatient Consultants of Delaware, Inc. COMMUNITY: Located on the Christiana River, Wilmington is midway between New York and Washington D.C. A small but independent community in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, the city is a national financial center for the credit card industry, and it offers small-town charm with great proximity to larger cities. The Wilmington File
Wilmington Fun Fact Wilmington was granted a borough charter in 1739 by the King of England, who changed its name from Willington to honor Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington.
FACILITIES: TeamHealth practices in various facilities in the Wilmington metropolitan area. ORGANIZATION: TeamHealth is a leading national physician group practice focused on the delivery of hospital medicine.TeamHealth hospitalists manage the care of hospitalized patients in coordination with primary care physicians and specialists.The Company provides its hospitalists with the comprehensive training, information technology and management support systems necessary to promote the highest quality of care for patients.