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Hospitalists of Arizona, Inc. COMMUNITY: The dynamic city of Phoenix offers just about everything: sports, recreation, arts, culture, dining and financial opportunities... plus beautiful weather year-round. One of the country's fastest-growing cities, Phoenix is a popular relocation destination for seniors and families who want to take advantage of its quality of life. The Phoenix File
Phoenix Fun Fact Phoenix was officially recognized in 1868, but it wasn't until 1874 that President Grant issued a patent for its 320 acres... at a cost of $550. FACILITIES: Good Samaritan, St. Joseph, Arizona Heart Hospital and various hospitals throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area. ORGANIZATION: TeamHealth is a leading national physician group practice focused on the delivery of hospital medicine.TeamHealth hospitalists manage the care of hospitalized patients in coordination with primary care physicians and specialists.The Company provides its hospitalists with the comprehensive training, information technology and management support systems necessary to promote the highest quality of care for patients.