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Best known today as the capital of country music, Nashville is the second most populous city in the state of Tennessee after Memphis and is a friendly and fun place to live and visit. Its musical history dates to 1927 when a radio broadcaster introduced the “Grand Ole Opry,” and a musical legend was born and has flourished ever since. With a population of over 550,000, the city has more to it than just music. Nashville serves as the capitol of Tennessee and as the financial center of the region as well as being home to Vanderbilt University, one of the country’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning. Nashville’s vibrant downtown area is anchored by the Country Music Hall of Fame. Most of the city’s major attractions are within comfortable walking distance, such as the State Capitol, the historic Ryman Auditorium and the scenic riverfront with its reconstructed fort, a replica of the original outpost. Plenty of restaurants, cafés, and nightclubs lie in the surrounding area, locally known as “the District.” Devoted country music fans may venture east to see the Grand Ole Opry House or west of downtown to Music Row, the heart of Nashville’s recording industry .
A 60-bed long term acute care hospital licensed by the state of Tennessee.
TeamHealth is a leading national physician group practice focused on the delivery of hospital medicine. TeamHealth hospitalists manage the care of hospitalized patients in coordination with primary care physicians and specialists. The Company provides its hospitalists with the comprehensive training, information technology and management support systems necessary to promote the highest quality of care for patients.