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Dallas/Ft. Worth, the 9th largest city in the U.S., has been ranked among the seven most livable urban complexes in the world. Some 58 different languages are spoken in the homes of Dallas children. The area provides over 160 museums, galleries, arts & cultural attractions, with live performances nightly. For recreation, Dallas offers a variety of sports, top-tier golf courses, 406 public parks, and 60 lakes & reservoirs.
TeamHealth Dallas/Ft. Worth practices: Carrollton, Ft. Worth DTN, Ft. Worth Southwest, Grapevine, Plano, Trinity Medical Center, and Medical Center of Lewisville.The Dallas File
Dallas Fun FactIn 1930, after oil was struck 100 miles east of Dallas, the city became a center of oil-related activity... despite the fact that Dallas County has never had a working oil well.
TeamHealth is a leading national physician group practice focused on the delivery of hospital medicine.TeamHealth hospitalists manage the care of hospitalized patients in coordination with primary care physicians and specialists.The Company provides its hospitalists with the comprehensive training, information technology and management support systems necessary to promote the highest quality of care for patients.