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The Surgery Center of Rome is a state-of-the-art facility located in Rome, Georgia that proudly serves the residents of Floyd County. The Surgery Center of Rome specializes in same-day surgery and it's professional staff and skilled surgeons are committed to providing patients of all ages with quality care and excellent services in a peaceful environment. The Surgery Center of Rome is fully licensed and accredited and utilizes the most advanced surgical equipment available today.
This beautiful Victorian river town is known as the portrait of southern heritage and hospitality. Rome is a bustling city situated on seven hills that surround three peaceful rivers that meet in the center of the charming downtown area. Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, enjoy both the beauty of nature and the convenience of larger cities with its' central location between Atlanta, Birmingham and Chattanooga. Rome is the largest city in and the county seat of Floyd County, Georgia. There are excellent educations systems in this family-friendly community!