St. Vincent Stress Center


Ascension Health is the nation's largest Catholic and largest nonprofit health system, serving patients through a network of hospitals and related health facilities providing acute care services, long-term care, community health services, psychiatric, rehabilitation and residential care. Sponsored by four provinces of the Daughters of Charity, the Sisters of St Joseph of Nazareth and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Ascension Health is committed to caring for those who are most in need in the communities we serve. Our Mission, Vision and Values guide our actions and provide the foundation on which our ministry is built. We strive to bring spiritually centered, holistic care that sustains and improves the health of our communities.


Our Call to Action represents the conviction of every one of our local and national leaders that we are stronger together than we are alone. Our Hospitals and Related Health Facilities are staffed with over 100,000 associates located in 20 states and the District of Columbia. The Sponsorship of Ascension Health is built on a legacy of healing and service and invites collaboration with others who share our Mission. Our Leadership is comprised of men and women who have committed their talents and experience to transforming healthcare. Our work is enabled by an Operating Model that supports leadership across our ministry and provides local hospitals and related health facilities with the authority and accountability to make good decisions for the communities they serve. The definition of modern health care is literally changing by the minute. There are new opportunities and challenges. We are committed to the provision of compassionate and comprehensive quality care and invite you to explore the opportunities available to you to partner with us in accomplishing our mission.


The St. Vincent Stress Centers Youth Services is a multiple-site facility offering a wide range of services for children in order to meet their mental health and chemical dependency needs. A wide array of services is available for children and their families from infancy through high school. This is the only location in town that offers a full continuum of outpatient & inpatient psychiatric services.