South Florida Baptist Hospital

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What do dinosaurs and strawberries have in common? Not much, unless you are in Plant City. Long before interstate highways, it was the railroads that marked the path of progress across Florida. While Henry M. Flagler was building a rail line down the state's east coast, it was another Henry that was forging a railroad from the middle of the state toward Tampa — Henry B. Plant. This section of the South Florida Railroad completed a cross-Florida rail system from Sanford to Tampa, placing the town in the path of progress. While Plant City's history dates back to the mid-1800s, it wasn't incorporated until a year after Henry B. Plant extended the railroad into the town. In 1885, the little town was renamed in honor of Plant. Around the same time, a succulent red fruit was introduced to the region. It began simply as a garden crop by early residents in the area, but eventually became so popular in local gardens that surplus was sold and thus was born an industry. Blessed with abundant natural resources and rich farmland, Plant City provides a wealth of opportunity. Broad fields with row upon row of berries soak up the temperate Florida sun.