Piedmont Medical Center

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About Piedmont Medical Center

Piedmont Medical Center is a 288-bed full service hospital in Rock Hill, South Carolina.  For more than 30 years our staff has been committed to helping members of our community stay healthy, encouraging them to live an active lifestyle. We believe solid partnerships and a team approach offer the best care for our patients and the best environment for our physicians to practice.  We stand behind our physicians and provide them the equipment, education and support they need to consistently provide the highest quality treatments.

Our Mission:  To deliver exceptional healthcare to every person we have the privilege to serve.

Our Vision:  To be your premier healthcare system.

Resource Link: www.piedmontmedicalcenter.com


About York County:

While travelers love to visit, many never want to leave.  York County is the southern neighbor to Charlotte, NC.  We offer big-city amenities in a warm, friendly environment that is known for its hospitality and outdoor adventure.  York County boasts great public schools, low property taxes and exceptional climate.

Resource Link:  www.visityorkcounty.com

About Rock Hill:

Rock Hill, SC is a business-savvy blend of historic charm and responsibly implemented expansion. Our city is located in the north central area of South Carolina approximately 20 miles south of Charlotte, NC along the I-77 corridor.  Rock Hill is a growing community of 67,000 residents, and the city encompasses over 36 square miles. 

  • College town (Pop. 67,000), Winthrop University
  • State ranked school systems
  • Two hours from the Great Smokey Mountains, three hours to South Carolina beaches
  • Lake Wylie has more than 325 miles of shoreline, 2,300 acres of greenway, hiking and camping making our area an outdoor recreation destination.

Resource Link:  www.visitrockhillsc.com