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Directly across the Chattahoochee River, Columbus has a classically restored and lively downtown. It is only 90 minutes south of Atlanta, four hours from Savannah and a short drive to the beautiful, white sand beaches of the Florida panhandle. Columbus has a strong public and private school system. Many companies are headquartered there and St. Francis Hospital is one of the top 10 employers. With a population of about 200,000, Columbus is home to many museums, including the National Civil War Naval Museum and Coca-Cola Space Science Museum. There is something for everyone in Columbus, from biking and white water rafting to geocaching, bird watching and zip lining. Take a stroll along the lovely pedestrian trail that winds through the city! Columbus has a humid subtropical climate with daytime summer temperatures often reaching highs in the mid-90s and low temperatures in the winter average in the upper 30s.