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Located in northern St. Louis County, Missouri, Florissant is a second-ring suburb of St. Louis. The city had a total population of 52,158 in the 2010 census, making it the 12th-largest city in the state. Although the exact date is unknown, historians believe that Florissant was settled by French settlers about the same time as St. Louis, making it one of the oldest settlements in the Missouri, and as late as 1889, the town was predominantly French-speaking. Following World War II, Florissant went from a small village community to a large suburban center. In 2012, Florissant was ranked 76 in the top 100 list of the Money Magazine Best Places to Live - America's Best Small Cities. Other recent reports have Florissant ranked as the number 1 Best Small City to Retire To in America and the 2nd Safest City in Missouri.