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Mercy Health is a Catholic healthcare ministry serving Ohio and Kentucky. With more than 34,000 employees in eight regions, we’re one of the largest healthcare systems in the country. At each one of 500+ points of care, we deliver high-quality, compassionate care with one united purpose: to help our patients be well in mind, body and spirit.
Mercy Health is one ministry serving eight regions in Ohio and Kentucky with 23 hospitals and 500 touchpoints where patients can receive care. Together, we have one Mission: to improve the health of our communities, emphasizing people who are poor and under-served.
As the largest health system and the fourth largest employer in Ohio, we're proud to be an active partner in our communities. In 2015, we invested $321 million in community benefit. Our Home Office is located at: 1701 Mercy Health Place Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 Our care is provided across Ohio and Kentucky: