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BC/BE Family Physician, no OB required to join a well-established group ofFamily Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nurse Practitioners as well as a number ofspecialists who provide outreach services. Responsibilities include providingacute, chronic and preventative care to a service population of approximately10,000. You may follow your own inpatients in the local critical access hospitalif you desire. Located on the lower Wisconsin River, Boscobel is your gateway tothe unglaciated "Driftless Area" of Wisconsin, truly one of the state's mostbeautiful and pristine regions. In addition to the attractions and outdooractivities in the City of Boscobel, there is much to do and explore nearby. Withthe Lower Wisconsin River fishing (all year), canoeing, kayaking, bird watching,and floating the river is just a good start. There are over 170 trout streams(nearly 90 are designated as high quality Class I streams) in Grant County andneighboring counties of Richland and Crawford, making the area a destination fortrout fishing. The area is also well known for small game, deer, and turkeyhunting. Simply driving the rural roads and viewing the beauty from variousvantage points in the unique Driftless Area of Wisconsin, is an adventure toshare with family and friends. Visit