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Gundersen Health System, based in La Crosse, Wis., offers you the opportunity to practice cutting-edge medicine. But we also believe that medicine is about people and that’s why our medical outcomes are among the nation’s best ( You will be joining a large multi-specialty group practice with a teaching hospital and Level II Trauma Center. Telemedicine, specialty outreach, electronic health records and digital imaging connect Gundersen with our many regional clinics, affiliate hospitals and practitioners. Hospital: Prairie du Chien Memorial Hospital is an independent 49-bed acute care community hospital. The ER is staffed by hospital employed physicians. The facility has a 4-bed CCU/ICU, a dialysis unit, cardiac rehab, hospice, an assisted living complex for the elderly, and a day-care unit for child care. Community: 9,000 population, with a service area of 25,000, located at the junction of the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers.