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Dallas, OR: Known for the great wine in the Willamette Valley region, Dallas is part of the wine region that surprised the world with outstanding pinots! From the vibrant Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge, the historic Fox Theatre, the Polk County Museum, to the Blackrock Mountain Bike Association’s trail, Dallas is full of exciting activities.
Praxis Health: Is the Pacific Northwest’s leading independent healthcare network, providing the highest levels of individualized patient care.With a mission to improve the health and well-being of our community, we are committed to providing outstanding and compassionate care.
It all starts with putting patients and families at the forefront. Our efforts focus not only on providing exceptional patient care when it is needed, but also on the wellness services and community outreach that engage and empower the people we serve to take charge of their health.
All delivered by a team of mission driven physicians, employees and administrators – the best minds and the biggest hearts – to help ensure the safest, highest quality of care for all.
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