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Well-established family practice with a large patient panel and two providers, 1 FT MD and 1 FT APC. This is an opportunity to work in a small community where your contribution makes a tremendous difference.
The City of Emporia (pop. 5,700) is the southern gateway to Virginia. Just 8 miles from the North Carolina line, it is the first municipality on I-95 heading into Virginia. Emporia is an hour’s drive (65 miles) from the Capital City of Richmond, three hours’ drive (180 miles) from the Nation’s Capital, Washington, D.C., and strategically “mid-way between the Big Apple and Disney world.”
Emporia is only 40 miles from beautiful Lake Gaston, NC, and is a wonderful place to live - the epitome of “small town living” . We have several organizations that promote sports and physical activity for kids of all ages. We have a wonderful YMCA and our local public school system offers many options for Head Start, Pre-K all the way to 12th grade. We also have a terrific private school located in Lawrenceville, Virginia which is about 15 minutes west of Emporia.
We have Emporia-Greensville Recreation Association which offers softball, baseball, soccer and football throughout the year. TopHand Foundation located in Emporia offers a variety of children programs for summer and all year round.
We have several community organizations and a great volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad.