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Abrazo Central Campus is an acute care and teaching hospital, offering a wide range of healthcare services from emergency care, neurosciences, orthopedic, cardiac care, surgical oncology, a breast health center and more. Abrazo Central Campus is certified as a Comprehensive Stroke Center, reflecting the hospital’s investment in neuroscience talent and capabilities. The certification affirms that Abrazo Central addresses the full spectrum of cerebrovascular diseases – diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and education – and establishes clear metrics to evaluate outcomes. It is based on standards created by the Brain Attack Coalition and the American Stroke Association, and granted by DNV GL Healthcare, a certification body operating in more than 100 countries.
Greater Phoenix offers world-class resorts, dining, and shopping all with outdoor adventure involving rugged mountain ranges with hiking trails and more than 200 golf courses. Spectacular sunsets punctuate the end of each day in Phoenix.